How much will hospice cost?
Medicare and/or Medicaid are the most frequent sources of payment. Both will pay 100% for qualified hospice care.
Is hospice just for people that are going to die in a few hours/days?
Most families tell us that they wished their loved one had received our services much earlier in their illness. Care can be accessed up to six months before an expected death, giving patients time with loved ones.
Who takes care of my loved one?
Depends on your preference and your situation. Routine daily caregivers can be family members, neighbors, friends, church members, hired caregivers or a combination. Caregivers are vital in keeping the hospice care team informed about your loved one's physical and emotional changes.
Your hospice care team will visit regularly, and you can reach them 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 385-452-2026
What if I have a problem at night or on the weekend?
Patients and families can contact hospice directly to learn more about their services; it is not necessary to have a physician's referral for the initial call.
Do I need to wait for my doctor to bring up hospice?
Our services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our after hours team can be reached at 385-452-2026.
Does hospice require a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) Order?
The benefit of hospice care is to allow for a peaceful death in a comfortable and familiar setting with loved ones near. While some choose to have a DNR Order to avoid unneccessary medical intervention, it is not required to receive hospice care.
How can I learn more about hospice?
We encourage you to call Serenity Hospice at 385-452-2026 to inquire about our comprehensive services and how we can provide 24/7 compassionate support during the end-of-life journey.
Can I change my mind?
You can leave a hospice program at any time for any reason without penalty. Re-enrollment in a hospice program is permitted as long as medical eligibility criteria is met.